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У дома>RFID Pet ID Tag

RFID Pet ID Tag (RFID Pet ID Tag) е етикет за идентификация на домашни любимци, който интегрира RFID технология, за да осигури уникална и проследима идентификация за домашни любимци.

Определение и характеристики
RFID Pet ID Tag is a special RFID tag designed for pets. It combines the wireless identification and tracking capabilities of RFID technology with the needs of pet identification. Such tags typically contain an RFID chip and antenna with a unique electronic code for identifying and tracking pets.

Технически параметър
RFID chip: Built-in high-performance RFID chip to support fast and accurate wireless identification and tracking.
Antenna: Optimally designed antenna structure to ensure the stable transmission of RFID signals and a long identification distance.
Code: Each RFID Pet ID Tag has a unique electronic code that is used to identify and distinguish different pets.

Функция и приложение
Identification: RFID Pet ID Tag provides a unique identification for pets, which is convenient for owners to identify and manage pets.
Pet tracking: Through the RFID reader, you can track the location of pets in real time, improve the success rate of pet lost and found.
Health information record: RFID Pet ID Tag can also be used to store pet health information, such as vaccination records, physical examination results, etc., to facilitate the owner to view and update at any time.

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