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Αρχική>RFID αντιμεταλλική ετικέτα μετάλλων

Ετικέτα PCB, επίσης γνωστή ως ηλεκτρονική ετικέτα PCB, είναι μια ετικέτα αναγνώρισης ραδιοσυχνοτήτων (RFID) που βασίζεται στην τεχνολογία πλακέτας τυπωμένου κυκλώματος (PCB). Ακολουθεί μια λεπτομερής εισαγωγή στην ετικέτα PCB:

Ορισμός και χαρακτηριστικά
Definition: PCB Tag is an electronic tag made by integrating an antenna and a chip on the PCB board. It uses RFID technology for contactless data exchange to achieve automatic identification and information tracking.
Oxidation resistance, impact resistance, waterproof: PCB Tag has good oxidation resistance, impact resistance and waterproof performance, making it suitable for outdoor high temperature, high humidity and other harsh environments.
Long life: Due to its rugged characteristics, PCB tags have a long service life.
Personalized customization: PCB Tag specifications and antenna design can be customized according to the customer's product installation needs.
Material and structure
Main materials: The main materials of PCB Tag include PCB circuit boards, antennas made of conductive materials (such as copper) and RFID chips.
Structure: PCB Tag circuit board is coated with resin copper foil or adhesive copper foil as the base material, through the reverse packaging binding reverse buckle process, with high reliability and flexibility.

Πεδίο εφαρμογής
PCB Tag is widely used in a variety of occasions requiring automatic identification and information tracking, such as:
Logistics and warehousing management: In the field of logistics and warehousing, PCB Tag can achieve efficient tracking and management of items, improving logistics efficiency.
Manufacturing: In the manufacturing industry, PCB tags can be used to track and manage products on the production line, ensuring transparency and traceability of the production process.
Asset management: For the management of metal assets such as equipment and machine tools, PCB Tag can provide real-time positioning and status information tracking functions.

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