La tarjeta de banda magnética es un tipo de tarjeta que utiliza campos magnéticos para almacenar datos y se usa ampliamente en una variedad de escenarios de pago e identificación. Aquí hay una explicación detallada de las tarjetas de banda magnética:
Definición y uso:
Magnetic stripe cards are a common card technology that is mainly used to store and transfer data. In most cases, when the term "magnetic stripe card" is used, it usually refers to ISO-standard financial exchange cards such as bank cards, credit cards, debit cards, etc.
Estructura y pista:
The magnetic strip is usually composed of three tracks, namely track 1, track 2 and track 3.
Track 1: Main memory card account number, card issuing line code and other information. Its data format is variable length, typically 79 characters.
Track 2: Main memory card main account number, cardholder name, expiration date and other important information. Its data format is also variable in length, typically 40 characters.
Track 3: Generally not used to store important payment information, additional information can be stored as needed.