Is clib é Clib Tíre RFID, nó clib boinn feithicleach RFID, a úsáideann teicneolaíocht aitheantais minicíochta raidió (RFID) agus atá deartha go sonrach le bheith suite ar bhoinn ngluaisteán. Seo a leanas réamhrá soiléir ar an gClib Tíre RFID:
Sainmhíniú agus saintréithe
RFID Tire Tag carries out data transmission through radio frequency signals to realize automatic identification and data collection of tires. It is based on the inductive coupling principle of electromagnetic field, using the wireless communication between the electronic Tag (Tag) and the Reader (Reader) to realize the long-distance identification and data exchange of the tire.
RFID Tire Tag systems usually consist of the following three basic components:
Electronic Tag (Tag) : consists of a chip and an antenna, the chip in the tag stores the tire identification number and other relevant data, and the antenna is used to receive and send wireless signals.
Reader: Responsible for communicating with the tag, sending requests to the tag using radio waves, and receiving the reply returned by the tag.
Background system: Used to manage and process data in the RFID system, usually connected to the vehicle management system or tire management system.