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Otthon>RFID papírkártya

A papírkártya általában papírból készült kártyára utal. Itt található a papírkártya részletes magyarázata:

A Paper Card, or paper card, is a card that uses paper as its main material. It can be single sheet or multi-layer and used for many different purposes and occasions.

Anyagok és jellemzők:
Main materials: Paper Card is mainly made of paper, can be a variety of thickness and quality of paper, such as coated paper, special paper and so on.

Low cost: Compared to other materials such as plastic or metal, paper costs less.
Environmental protection and energy saving: Paper is a renewable resource and is more environmentally friendly than other materials.
Strong confidentiality: The use of double-sided coated paper production, high printing gloss, can be protected by glossy oil or film coating process, improve confidentiality.
Variety: Paper comes in a wide variety of colors, textures and printing effects, and can be customized to suit different designs and effects.

Alkalmazások és kategóriák:
Paper cards are used in a wide variety of applications, including but not limited to:
Greeting cards, sympathy cards, postcards: Used to express feelings such as wishes, thanks, or remembrances.
Program list, item list: used in horse racing, racing and other competitions to provide competition information and program schedule.
Publicity card, advertising card: used for commercial publicity and promotion, display products or services.
Membership card, ID card: provides identification and membership services.
According to different uses and designs, Paper cards can be divided into many types, such as greeting cards, publicity, and functional categories.

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