RFID Zip Kravat Etiketi (RFID Kravat Etiketi), RFID teknolojisini entegre eden özel bir kablo bağı etiketidir. Ürün yönetimi için verimli ve güvenli bir çözüm sağlamak için RFID'nin kablosuz tanımlama ve izleme işlevini kablo bağının sabitleme özellikleriyle birleştirir.
Temel kompozisyon
RFID chip: The RFID Zip Tie Tag contains an RFID chip inside, which is the core part of the tag with a unique identification number used to identify and distinguish different tags.
Antenna: The label has one or more integrated antennas, usually located on one or both sides of the cable tie, for sending and receiving wireless signals.
Teknik özellikler
Contactless identification: RFID technology allows the information inside the tag to be read by radio waves without touching the tag, which improves reading speed and accuracy.
Multi-tag recognition: RFID technology can identify multiple tags at the same time, which is suitable for the rapid identification of a large number of item information.
High reliability: RFID technology's identification tags store information internally in a way that can prevent accidental changes or deletion of information, with a high degree of information security and reliability.
Real-time: RFID technology can track the location of items in real time, and accurately track the transportation and storage of goods throughout the whole process.
Uygulama senaryosu
Logistics field: RFID Zip Tie Tag can be applied to the tracking and management of goods to improve logistics efficiency and accuracy.
Retail field: can be used for commodity inventory management, to achieve rapid inventory and inventory update.
Security Seal: Used as a security seal to protect the integrity of important items or areas from unauthorized access or tampering.